The "Accidental Author"

The Ultimate Goal of the Christian life is to be like Jesus.
Welcome to our Cyber home! My name is Jerry Ross.
I published my first book 22 years ago – didn’t mean to. You see, I’m an accidental author. My real calling is the Gospel ministry – 11 years a youth pastor and 22 years a senior pastor. In addition, I preach around the country at Bible conferences, teen meetings, and church revivals.
I met and married my wife while toiling away in Bible college getting ready for this thing I now do. Best decision of my life – accepting Jesus as my Saviour. Close second – marrying Sheryl. I’ll introduce her to you in a minute...

The Accidental Author
Back to the whole accidental author thing. In 1997, I was serving as youth pastor of a small, rural Indiana church and was busy planning a Spring banquet for my teenagers. The purpose of the banquet was to encourage them to be patient and marry God’s choice in God’s time. I wanted them to take something home with them that would remind them of the decisions they made that night. Sheryl had a suggestion. “Why don’t you write out that story you tell the teens – you know, that Stay in the Castle story.” So, I did. She formatted it into book form, printed off some generic covers and we passed out 25 copies as keepsakes. Never envisioned it going any farther. Now, 22 years later, there are over 150,000 copies in print in seven different languages!
I fell in love with writing, so in the rare, spare moments of my life, I peck away. What you will find on this website is the fruit of those labors.
The Star of this Story
The star of Ultimate Goal Publications is my wife, Sheryl. I write, and she makes everything else happen. From formatting to printing, from marketing to order fulfillments, she oversees it all. Pretty impressive given the fact that she is also a pastor’s wife, church and school secretary, SS teacher, soul winner, and Mamaw to eleven grandchildren. I hit the wife lottery – and I know it!

Our Ultimate Goal
Our name, Ultimate Goal Publications, came from a quote that I have frequently used over the years and in my writing, "The ultimate goal of the Christian life is to be like Jesus."
It is our hope that you find something on our website that will help you, encourage you, and equip you to minister to those around you to be more like Jesus. If you have any questions, call us. Enjoy!